The vibes of Aquarius season are set to heat up in mid-February, with a dramatic full moon rising on February 12 in the aggressive sign of Leo.
Despite the fiery nature of this full moon, it is also known as the Snow Moon in the Northern Hemisphere — and while its energy is intense, some zodiac signs will likely be spared from its strongest effects.
The innovative and objective influence of Aquarius season places collective growth and community building at the forefront of many people’s minds. However, this full moon reaches the opposite extreme of the zodiac in the extravagant and attention-grabbing fire sign of Leo, bringing a temporary shift in energy.
Leo’s sun-ruled energy is all about self-expression and personal pride, so this lunation directs your attention toward your own reflection rather than the bigger picture. It allows you to see your role in the collective more clearly and become more in tune with the talents you bring to a group setting. It’s a time to embrace confidence without slipping into arrogance and to share your gifts openly rather than using them solely for your own benefit.
Of course, no Leo full moon would be complete without a bit of drama — and this one has plenty to go around. The sun will be teaming up with the communication planet Mercury, and together they will be facing off against the full moon while caught in a difficult T-square with chaos-wielding Uranus. This unpredictable alignment may bring unexpected information to light or make it harder to move forward with the many ideas on your mind. However, with a bit of full moon intuition, you can navigate these tricky obstacles and capitalize on the innovative energy of this lunar moment.
This month’s full moon is powerful, and everyone will likely feel its vibrant and passionate energy. But if you’re one of the zodiac signs less affected by the Snow Moon on February 12, you’ll probably be able to avoid some of the drama.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Leo’s confident and charismatic energy is inspiring you to express your feelings openly and speak your truth, as this lunation rises in your communication sector. Putting your desires and emotions into words can sometimes lead to drama — especially with a bit of full moon chaos at play — but this time, you’ll find that your revelations bring more clarity than confusion.
While this may be an impactful lunar moment, the moon will not activate any planets in your sign. Additionally, lucky Jupiter is on your side for the next few months, giving you a cosmic advantage that makes you less prone to misfortune. Enjoy the good vibes.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Leo’s attention-grabbing energy usually stands out, and this full moon is making some dramatic and tangible planetary connections, making it particularly hard to ignore. However, all this cosmic chaos will feel much more subtle to you than to most signs, as it is hitting your quiet and solitary twelfth house.
While others may have to deal with external chaos, you’ll likely experience most of this lunar energy as simple exhaustion. You may feel a bit overwhelmed without knowing why, so give yourself plenty of time to rest, recharge your batteries, and explore your intuition.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
There will be a lot of surface-level chaos stirred up under this Leo-ruled lunation, so egos may flare and arguments may arise. However, in your case, most of the lunar energy will be bubbling beneath the surface, affecting you on a more energetic and subtle level. That’s because the moon is rising in your deeply personal and introspective eighth house, meaning you’ll be prompted to do some inner work and reflection — which is much easier than getting swept up in interpersonal dramas.
There may be some breakthroughs during this full moon regarding your boundaries and relationships, but since there are currently no planets in your sign, you don’t have to worry about anything too disruptive shaking up your peace.
Source: Bustle. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.